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IT Pro Server Group (JaxFISG)

★★★★★ 4.8 (241) • The IT Pro Server Group is a group of IT Professionals and Administrators established for the purpose of networking, design, education, security and familiarization of the latest technologies. Members of IT Pro Server Group are afforded opportunities to become affiliated with an innovative group within the IT community. Joining IT Pro Server Group affords you an advantage of to network with IT Pros, IT Educators and industry sponsors, vendors and talent management groups. Being better equipped to succeed in today’s information market is our goal for your success.

AMP Study Jam #Jax Test Fest @ Keiser University

⏰ Mar 21, 2020 @ 1:00 PM ET
📍 Virtual event (online)

Hosted by: Brandi Kiehl | 👥 1 attendee

UPDATES: This has been changed to an online event due to COVID-19 public safety concerns. We recommend two screens if you intend on coding along. All the material will be made available, so if you do not have two screens or you want a closer look you can easily review materials later at your own pace.

Meeting Link: https://meet.google.com/bte-dchg-hos

SWAG? There will be a chance to win some Google & GDG swag -must be present to win.

ITPro.Tv - FREE stuff for the first 30 attendees.


What is AMP?
AMP is an open-source HTML framework created by Google that provides a straightforward way to create web pages that are fast, smooth-loading and prioritize the user-experience above all else.

Want to get started on building AMP websites? Join us for our AMP Study Jam! Together we'll work through Zero to AMP Courses prepared by Google instructors. You will be able to get hands-on experience with AMP and build an AMP website while learning the fundamentals.

Bring a laptop! The labs will run on all of the latest versions of the popular browsers. For the best experience, make sure your laptop has Firefox or Chrome installed. Don’t forget your charger.

AMP Study Jam Conference Link: https://meet.google.com/bte-dchg-hos

What is a Study Jam?
A Study Jam is a community-run study group for developers and those interested in code. This is a great opportunity to bring members of the community together to learn something online or in person. These fundamental lessons will give the community a specific skill they can use for personal development or career advancement.